Tell us about yourself?I am a final year medical student at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe. I was instrumental in the conception of Medyouth our medical school through my communication with Kirsten Scott who was a medical student then. With fellow colleagues from NUST and King's we then devised the Buddy Project in which students would pair up and communicate via email, share electronic resource and ideas. With continued expansion and growth of this project we started to gain recognition on campus and generated support of the university and community de to our community programmes.
What were your aims this year?
-To strengthen lifeskills programmes at schools which we visited the previous year
-To get more medical and non medical students involved
-To get a new committee for Medyouth NUST
-To come up with a strategic plan for the group
-To have combined training and sessions in schools.
What were the main highlights this year?
-It was most satisfying to see our hard work pay off when did successful training on Campus with resounding support from partner organisations like Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)
-The heart warming welcome from all the schools we visited and the eagerness of the student to learn and amazing feedback we got. As our report shows, most students gave comments like "please come back again" or "we need more time". We got the impression that we were giving a necceassary service to the coomunity.
- At a personal level i learnt to communicate with different people from virtually all works of life something medical school does not really teach. Given the diversity of the our organisations and school as well as colleagues, it was amazing how people with common purpose, ideals and aims use diversity as a strength.
- Perhaps one of the greatest higlights was being told by one student after trainig "Thanks for changing my life"
What are the challenges you're facing? We need to increase membership: still low medical student uptake of the programme.We need to fundraise to overcome financial constraints.
We need to strengthen the Buddy project which is to at its best.
We need to formulate a new committe for Medyouth Zim