Sunday, 20 December 2009

Tell us about yourself?
I am a final year medical student at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe. I was instrumental in the conception of Medyouth our medical school through my communication with Kirsten Scott who was a medical student then. With fellow colleagues from NUST and King's we then devised the Buddy Project in which students would pair up and communicate via email, share electronic resource and ideas. With continued expansion and growth of this project we started to gain recognition on campus and generated support of the university and community de to our community programmes.
What were your aims this year?

-To strengthen lifeskills programmes at schools which we visited the previous year
-To get more medical and non medical students involved
-To get a new committee for Medyouth NUST
-To come up with a strategic plan for the group
-To have combined training and sessions in schools.
What were the main highlights this year?

-It was most satisfying to see our hard work pay off when did successful training on Campus with resounding support from partner organisations like Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)
-The heart warming welcome from all the schools we visited and the eagerness of the student to learn and amazing feedback we got. As our report shows, most students gave comments like "please come back again" or "we need more time". We got the impression that we were giving a necceassary service to the coomunity.
- At a personal level i learnt to communicate with different people from virtually all works of life something medical school does not really teach. Given the diversity of the our organisations and school as well as colleagues, it was amazing how people with common purpose, ideals and aims use diversity as a strength.
- Perhaps one of the greatest higlights was being told by one student after trainig "Thanks for changing my life"
What are the challenges you're facing?

We need to increase membership: still low medical student uptake of the programme.We need to fundraise to overcome financial constraints.
We need to strengthen the Buddy project which is to at its best.
We need to formulate a new committe for Medyouth Zim

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Medyouth with Andrew

What are you studying???

Medicine, in my 3rd year at the moment and enjoying every second of it.

Why get involved with med youth?

Medyouth is a collaborative venture of medical students in the UK and Zimbabwe and is such a unique program i am privileged to be part of. We engage in a variety if activities which include sexual health education, exchange of ideas in medical school teaching and fund

Highlight of your Year

By far the highlight of the year would be the trip to meet our counterparts in Bulawayo. Its was such a great opportunity to fullfill our agenda and strengthen our relationship. I learnt a lot in the teaching sessions we had. The role plays were amazing and it was great to have other organisations involved. Cannot wait to go back and see the progress we are making and catch up with our peers!!!

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Medsin Sans Frontiers Film on Aids and Women in Zimbabwe

Medsin Sans Frontiers is showing a film on the Zimbabwean 'Positive Ladies Club' . These Zimbabwean Women are using soccer to tackle the stigma associated with being HIV-positive

Do come and watch the film and meet some members of the team!
Place: Kings College London
New Hunts House
Guys Campus
Time: 1730
Date: 2/12/09

Monday, 23 November 2009

Medyouth with Rae

What is Medyouth Medyouth is a collaborative project designed and managed by students in the UK and Zimbabwe, which delivers “life skills” peer education training to students and community workers in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

  • Collaboration: “Medyouth” is run by sister committees at KCL (London) and NUST (Bulawayo). The committees have been working together since 2007.
  • Life skills + Peer education: Life skills are skills of negotiation, communication and self-awareness that help young people make informed decisions as they enter the world of adult responsibilities and relationships. Peer education methods create a safe and respectful environment where worries and problems can be balanced by information provision and facilitated discussion
  • Training: Medyouth training in 08 + 09 was delivered by Zimbabwean organisations Community Working Group on Health and Childline Zimbabwe. Trainees were from UK and Zimbabwe and the group consisted of medical, physiotherapy, journalism and other students, community workers and peer educators. Successful Medyouth trainees have taught in local secondary schools, covering topics such as puberty and body awareness, relationships and children’s rights. The project has trained over 50 trainees and taught over 1000 young people.

What is your role in Medyouth I’ve been Medyouth coordinator since 2008, which included coordinating the pilot project (2008), conducting a full evaluation and ensuring improvements were put into place in 2009. I’m now also co-president of Project Zimbabwe, but with special focus on Medyouth; I’m hoping to find a new Medyouth coordinator this year, and I’m looking forward to showing them the the ropes!

What made you decide to get involved? Since coming to uni I’ve been involved with the UK student group ‘Sexpression’, a brilliant organisation that teaches medical students to be effective peer educators in sexual health and relationships education (SRE). Sexpression KCL volunteers are well respected by teachers and schools in south London, and with them I’ve seen first-hand the effect when a myth or rumour about sexual relationships/puberty is dispelled in class- being able to safely discuss things that are a source of worry and confusion allows young people to feel confident in their decision-making.

As a member of Project Zimbabwe for 3 years, I got to know my buddy in Bulawayo, Linos, really well. We chatted about Sexpression and his work on HIV prevention in Zimbabwe, and felt we could learn from each other’s community work. Espcially we felt that medical students in both our institutions would benefit from the communication and negotiation skills learned during a peer educator training programme. Meanwhile, a few other ‘buddies’ from the PZ programme were sharing similar ideas, and as a group we decided to work together on a programme at Linos’ university - “Medyouth” was born!

Highlight of this yearBeing asked for advice by other student groups in Bulawayo who are setting up similar groups!! This was really encouraging, as it shows Medyouth’s strong foundations - our training programme is well known and respected, and the work taps into a real enthusiasm for community work and volunteering in the local university population. Also I’m really excited about the tentative plans to work more closely with Childline Zimbabwe- we’re hoping to learn a lot from their excellent counsellors.

Challenges over the year The biggest challenge over this year is to sustain ongoing communication with our organising committee in Bulawayo, their university, our partner organisations, schools and trainees (and the list is happily growing!). We know how much enthusiasm there is for the project, but with bad internet connections and hectic schedules of the (mostly medical student) committee, things can be a bit tough. Regular communication and sharing of ideas is vital for the collaborative nature of our project, so are working to overcome the barriers (for example by circulating hard copies of the blog as a quarterly newsletter!).

Saturday, 10 October 2009

African Rhythms Night!

We're having our first social event next week! Please come along, bring your friends (and their friends), enjoy some African music, taster drumming lessons and get to socialise with the PZ team !

When is it happening? Thursday 15 October 1930
Where is it happening? The Roebuck- Great Dover Street, SE1 4YG
How much does it cost? £6/£5 NUS

Here's a clip of what we'll be showing:

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Project Zim this year!

We have big plans for Project Zim this year.

As many of you may already know, Project Zimbabwe is a collaborative project with students from NUST University in Bulawayo Zimbabwe. Whilst Project Zimbabwe's primary goal is to support healthcare students in Zimbabwe it is not only for medical students, I myself am not even a medical student and doubt I will ever be one, hospitals actually make me very uncomfortable and I can hardly stomach an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

We're keen to get students from a wide range of backgrounds involved. This is because health-care is a topic that affects all of us. Whether you're dreaming of being the next Barack Obama and championing your own health-care reform, are a budding entrepreneur (healthy workforce= high output), are hoping to be the next Ally Mcbeal (a good legal system is closely related to an efficient health care system), dreaming of being the next big thing on the X-factor (we don't take ourselves to seriously and have cultural evenings that showcase Zimbabwean and African music, poetry and flims), you're welcome to get involved.

One of the projects we've been running in previous years is the Buddy project which involved Kings students and NUST students sending e-mails and sharing their experiences. This method of communication has proven to be difficult for both the Kings and NUST students involved.

So this year we've decided that we're going to use the Blog as our main vehicle of communication. We're going to be posting interviews of both Kings and NUST students both medical and non-medical, we'll be finding out their passions, what drives them, as well as talking about more light hearted topics like they're favourite music and so forth.

We also want to hear from you, this blog is going to be a forum for Zimbabwean and non-Zimbabwean students to share ideas or explore how their passions are relate to healthcare. So please do get in touch with us if you'd want to post something on the blog, or find out more about what we do.

I must just state from the outset that this is a strictly no-politics zone.

Until next time, have a great week.


Sunday, 30 August 2009

And the Medyouth Project is up and running!

Even though the Medyouth Project this year got to a slow start (most members are also revising for the final year exams), I am glad to say that the project is now up and running and has both medical and non-medical students involved.

For those of you who don't know what this project i'm talking about actually is. Let me explain:
Medyouth is a a group of students from both the UK and Zim who go into schools in Bulawayo and teach a sexual education programme. The focus of the project this year is on peer education and counselling methods, focusing on puberty issues, entering into and negotiating the adult world.

PS thank-you all so much for you donations!I'm sure this will make Rae's bungee jump much easier. If any of you would prefer to write a cheque you can make it payable to Project Zimbabwe and post it to Project Zimbabwe,Kings College London, Guy's Campus, 19 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1 UL

Friday, 21 August 2009

Rachel's Jumping into the Victoria Falls (for Project Zim of course)

As many of you may know Rachel Adams (co-president of Project Zim) is currently in Zimbabwe coordinating the Medyouth, sexual health education project. In an attempt to raise funds for Project Zimbabwe, she has bravely decided that she is going to jump into the Victoria falls, well she's not literally jumping but is bungee jumping into the Victoria Falls (which i'm assuming is less scary).

Any donation would be greatly appreciated, but a suggested donation of £5 would go a very long way. Donations can be made using our pay pal link.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Project Zimbabwe's New Committee!!

Co-President - Ropa Sibusiso Chidawu
Co-President - Rachel Adams
Secretary - Alex Fonfe
Treasurer - Rowan Ambrose
Publicity Officer - Reshma Shah
Fundraising Officer - TBC
Buddy Project Coordinator - Roma Dewan
Electrinic Resources Coordinator - Samirah Toure
MedYouth Coordinator - TBC
General Officers - Sonia Abid, Ali Al Jumaily, Lisa Wallberg

Project Zimbabwe Alumni

Two of Project Zimbabwe's former presidents will be graduating from medical school this summer. Kirstent Scott will be working at King's College Hospital London where she will continue her invaluable work with the KZZ link and Jennifer Gifford-Garner will be at Whipps Cross Hospital. Jennifer hopes to take an active role in the teaching materials project and will continue to support ZHTS as a qualified trustee.

Project Zimbabwe Alumni

Kirsten Scott - President 2007/8
Jennifer Gifford-Garner - President 2008/9

Monday, 13 April 2009

Thursday, 2 April 2009

A new way to donate to PZ!!

Every time you shop online you could be donating to Project Zimbabwe! Click on our icon on the right to take you to the easyfundraising web site and start shopping. Practically every shop you can think of is available, from Amazon and Tesco to M&S and Argos.
Please take a look and remember us every time you order online!!

Zimbabwean Student Coming to London!!

Linos Sibanda, a medical student from Bulawayo, will be coming to London for a 10 week elective placement this summer! He will be spending 6 weeks at King's College Hospital and 4 weeks at Northwick Park Hospital.
We wish to thank the Canon Collins Trust for their generous support and invite contact with any other interested parties who would be willing to support future students.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Raising Awareness of our Buddy Project

King's College Alumni Promotion

The Alumni of King's College will soon have access to information about Project Zimbabwe and the ability to make dontations. A link to the PZ blog will be posted on the Alumni web site in the near future.

Friday, 27 March 2009

MedYouth Money!

For those KCL students who have shown an interest in travelling to Zimbabwe this summer with Rachel & MedYouth, the travel awards deadline is the 3rd April!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

PZ Books Donated to Read International

We have found a brilliant new home for all the surplus books that we are unable to send to Zimbabwe; Read International! Over 30 boxes of our books were moved to the Read International storage unit last weekend and will be sorted and eventually sent to Tanzania this summer.

King's ISN

Project Zimbabwe is happy to be part of the King's International Student Network!

ZHTS AGM 2009 Agenda

Sunday, 15 March 2009


Annual General Meeting

Project Zimbabwe AGM Details
30th April 2009
New Hunts House Classroom G.4
Guy's Campus
Committee Positions Available
Fundraising Officer
Publicity Officer
Medyouth coordinator
Buddy Project coordinator
Resources Project coordinator
3x General Officers

Friday, 6 March 2009

Books Project Update

The books project is reducing in capacity. Unfortunately, we have had to reduce the number of boxes we are able to send via our generous shipping contact. We are therefore putting the books project on hold whilst we make arrangements for the surplus. We will be focussing our attentions on electronic resources that can easily be copied and distibuted to as many medical students in Zimbabwe as possible.
We want to thank each and every person who has donated a book to Project Zimbabwe and we hope you will to support us!

Friday, 20 February 2009

Movie Night!!

Project Zimbabwe will be hosting a Movie Night showing the feature length Zimbabwean movie "Neria" by Tsitsi Dangarembga.

Where; Function Room, The Miller of Mansfield, 96 Snowsfield Road SE1 3SS
When; 17th March 2009, 6.30pm for 7.30 film start

Hope to see you there!

Movie Night!!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Project Zimbabwe Discusssion Forum Launched!

A discussion forum is now available (link on the right) for medical students and healthcare professionals in the UK and Zimbabwe. We hope it will generate some great discussions and ideas and help strengthen the new KZZ link (more info to follow). Please take a look, sign up for an account and get talking to your colleagues!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Unite ZimNite Update

Thank you to everyone who attended our fundraiser this Saturday. It was a great success and really good fun. A big thank you to all the acts who performed on the night - everyone showed how talented they were and the audience loved them all.
We managed to raise £573.80 after expenses which is a massive total and a huge help towards funding our MedYouth Programme 2009.
Many Thanks again!

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Marathon For TB Alert

TB Alert conquers France in aid of Zimbabwe
Kirsten Scott

On the 22nd of November 2008, three of us braved the Beaujolais marathon in aid of the TB Alert project at Murambinda Hospital in Zimbabwe. Having been born and bred there, I have a strong interest in continuing to be involved in the health care system and have managed to visit Murambinda twice over the last three years. Our core team was comprised of an ophthalmologist (John) a vet (Hannah) and a medical student (myself) but we could not have managed without our four person support team (consisting of parents and significant others) who drove us around uncomplainingly and ensured that we had adequate amounts of food on board at all times.

Murambinda hospital is a rural mission hospital in Zimbabwe that serves a population of approximately 300,000. Despite the current crisis, it has continued to deliver effective care to the local population, so much so that people from towns over 100km away are willing to walk there to receive treatment. Since TB Alert became involved, the TB program has gathered strength with accurate data collection and decentralisation of services forming a focus for both local and visiting staff.

The marathon was part of an entire weekend of festivities to welcome the latest batch of Beaujolais nouveau into the world. The event started off well with sunshine, fancy dress and a good pre-marathon spread of coffee, wine, fruit juice and cake provided by volunteers from Fleurie. The self styled “Team Tuberculosis” ran in shirts with ‘Hôpital de Murambinda’ on the back which meant that there were regular shouts of “c’est un hôpital! alors! c’est un hôpital qui court le marathon aujourd’hui” [it is a hospital! a hospital running the marathon!]. John’s TB Alert shirt came with extra wings and he managed to complete the marathon in less than three hours. Hannah and I battled breathlessness and fatigue (not to mention snow and steep hills!) to heroically enlighten passing French men and women on the vagaries of TB in Africa (thereby finishing considerably later). Our increasing local fame culminated in an interview on French TV at the post marathon lunch the next day and we have now been offered free places in next year’s marathon. TB Alert may live to conquer the French yet again!

With the support of incredibly generous friends and family we managed to raise £4,765.80 for the district TB program in Murambinda. Further donations may be given at

Monday, 12 January 2009

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

ZHTS Away Day!

ZHTS coupled with the International Development Unit are hosting and "Away Day" to discuss;
  • Work involving the link between King's, ZHTS and Zimbabwe
  • Discuss achievements and activities
  • Future directions of the link


Saturday 24th January

9.30 - 4pm

Conference Centre

Western Education Centre

King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill

  • Medsin-GKT, King's College London, Guy's Campus, 19 Newcomen St, London, SE1 1UL